Morocco in Need, CHOG responds

Being part of the 3W team means living in one of the most active parts of the world.  Our region—Europe and the Middle East-- is almost entirely prone to massive earthquakes, is the heart of the world’s refugee crisis and currently has two hot wars going on:  Ukraine-Russia, and Israel-Hamas.  There is never a lack of drama or people in need in this region, and that gives our team and the greater Church of God, an opportunity to be a part of responding to these immense needs and challenges.

Thanks to donations to the Church of God Disaster Relief Fund, I was able to travel to Morocco which was hit by a devastating earthquake on October 8th in the Atlas Mountains.  As winter is setting in, there is a desperate need for food, shelter, and clothing.  Your donations were able to make a difference. 

I connected with our partners on the ground (who I won’t name for security reasons).  We in the Europe-Middle East region are very proud of our emerging young leaders, and in Morocco, I met with three of our finest who make up part of our 3WLN network.  I learned a lot about this beautiful country, its culture, its religious atmosphere, and the earthquake needs. 

Morocco is a nation that is officially Islamic and is strict about it compared to many other more lenient and liberal Islamic nations.  It is not legal to convert Christians or to become a convert.  Consequently, our brothers and sisters there must be very careful.  As is often the case, the Christian community always feels called to respond to human suffering and disasters.  Networks have evolved with our young leaders being at the forefront of these churches and believers working together to bring hope and relief. 

One of the things that most struck me was the need for toys for children.  Why?  Because it helps them disappear into their imagination and escape the tragic situation, they find themselves in.  A truck or a doll can give hours of relief to a child who is having to deal with their world suddenly disappearing.  The hardest hit areas are where Berber tribes live in the Atlas Mountains.  It's a dangerous terrain as it is filled with unsteady rocks and boulders dangling from cliffs.  Some Christian relief workers died on the dangerous, curvy, roads of Morocco’s hardest-hit interior. 

The influence of Islam is weaker in the areas where the indigenous Berber tribes live, and they wonder who these people (Christians) are who come to them and not only bring supplies and food, but also friendship, love, hope, and a listening ear.  No one else does that and it has a tremendous impact.  As tragic as the situation is, God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called to his purpose (Romans 8:28).  We want to thank all of you who support our team and leaders in this region during the good times and the bad times.  We couldn’t do it without you, but we can do it altogether with God.