Morocco Earthquake: Coordinating Efforts

(This post is part of a series on the Moroccan earthquake that took place in early September. The 3W Team is working to support ongoing relief efforts through contacts on the ground.)

On Friday, September 8, the region of Marrakech-Safi in Morocco was shaken by a deadly earthquake. The 6.8 magnitude quake and its aftershocks devastated homes and local infrastructure, making the relief efforts slow and arduous, causing a severe humanitarian crisis. The death toll has surpassed 3000 and more than 5600 people have been injured. Many more have lost their homes and livelihoods.

Our Three Worlds Leadership Network (3WLN) contacts on the ground began coordinating relief efforts almost immediately after the earthquake struck. In the last month, we have been communicating with and collecting information from those contacts. One of them recently shared this summary: “Tragically, not only have people lost their homes, but also their livelihoods, including the animals they relied on for work. This has left the community in a dire state of vulnerability, with limited resources and no immediate relief in sight.”

As winter approaches, the vulnerability of tens of thousands of people living in the High Atlas Mountain region and suffering the most severe devastation will be compounded. Our contact shares the following: “One of the most concerning aspects of the situation is the lack of a concrete rebuilding plan for the victims. With winter approaching, the affected villages are filled with fear, as they are isolated from the rest of the world. There is no transportation, limited resources, and a heavy reliance on local agriculture.”

Our Goal

As we partner with our contacts and their network on the ground, our hope is to send funds to purchase and deliver supplies to 100 families in the most remote and heavily impacted region. These supplies will include iron tents, food, water tanks, blankets, clothes, solar energy packs, sanitation equipment, and more. These efforts will help affected families face the oncoming winter.

If you would like to help support these families, you can do so through the Global Strategy Disaster Relief fund. One hundred percent of your donation will go to the Moroccan relief efforts. Simply click on the link and fill out the information. Make sure to write “Morocco” in the memo section.

Give to Morocco Disaster Relief Efforts