Islam and Christianity in Morocco

(This post is part of a series on the Moroccan earthquake that took place in early September. The 3W Team is working to support ongoing relief efforts through contacts on the ground.)

Not all Muslim nations are filled with large populations of followers of Islam.  While most people in Muslim nations are born into the faith, in countries such as Indonesia, Iran, and Lebanon; many practice other faiths, are atheists, or just don’t practice Islam in their daily life.  Morocco, however, is a nation where Islam has had a stronghold for a long time.  Today, Morrocco is one of the most conservative, Islamic states in the Middle East.  

Long before Christianity was based in Rome or Western Europe, it was centered in North Africa.  Augustin of Hippo and Cyprian the Bishop of Carthage were two of the most influential Christians that ever lived.  

Many of Christianity’s most important doctrines were discussed, debated, and decided upon in the areas we now call Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt.  But the rapid rise of Islam in the 7th  Century began a period of rapid Christian decline.  When the Catholic empire was at its height, Christianity made a minor comeback in Morrocco, but it was not to last.  

Today, it is estimated that less than 1% of the country is Christian—a remarkably low percentage---roughly the same as that of Japan percentage wise. There are no good sources to state with certainty how many Christians live in Morocco, but in this large nation of 37 million people, there are probably significantly less than 100,000 Christians.  

As our team continues to help coordinate relief efforts, will you consider supporting families whose lives have been impacted? You can do so through the Global Strategy Disaster Relief fund. One hundred percent of your donation will go to the Moroccan relief efforts. Simply click on the link and fill out the information. Make sure to write “Morocco” in the memo section.

Give to Morocco Disaster Relief Efforts