Discipleship in Difficult Contexts

What’s the “Win” in Our Churches?


Pews and chairs facing forward, the majority of the service built for preaching, message series, and most leaders focused on their speeches... in the traditional church setting the “win” seems to be the content being delivered. That’s not necessarily bad, but this article proposes a different focus or “win” that could produce more life...  (check out the link below)

So what’s your church’s “win”?   


Losing Volunteers

Hopefully losing volunteers isn’t something you have to face regularly. If you find your ministry in this position, perhaps this article could shine some light on some of the reasons why. Better yet, this article might help you invest in your leaders in a way that cultivates their serving potential and encourages long term commitment. 


How do you remind your volunteers about the why of their service? 


Making Your Church Welcoming to the Uns

It can be extremely intimidating to attend a new church, especially when one is not used to church to start. The Unchurched are people we desperately want to include in our faith communities, but what do we have to do to maximize the opportunity to engage this growing population of people? 

Here’s an article that speaks to a few intentional ways to invite, include, and invest in the unchurched population of our communities.  

